Company’s zendesk subdomain lead to hidden access.
Hi guys!
My name is Himanshu Pdy, and I am a security researcher. This is my second blog :)
let’s start without any delay.
About the issue:-
Here is my new unique writeup that i have recently found.
I have never seen such issue so thought of writing it down.
BUG :- company’s zendesk subdomain lead to hidden access.
Let's begin,
Usually support portal doesn’t show any signup or signin option,

So i started doing some basic recon and found a subdomain which i found intresting because it was having a signup option.
I thought it will only work for the employees, but i was WRONG. I was able to successfully sign up.

But after signin, it was just showing a blank page - - - - >> even tried dirsearch and dirb but found nothing.
So i thought of looking at source code, which showed some js file link.
After some try i found that it redirected me to support portal of the company.
I. E.
I thought something wrong, but after looking closely, i found that i have found hidden way to log in to support portal.

I thought it was a normal support portal after user signin to its account.
But wait, i tried to signin as a normal user and it said the email id is not registered.
That means i have registered on the company’s hidden place which should only be accessible to the employees or idk for whom.
I reported this issue but they have out of scope, so this bug was marked as informative.
Hope you learn something new from this. Sometimes an external vulnerability can lead to internal hidden and important feature issue.
Be safe during this quarentine ( covid situation). 🙂🙂🙂🙂